Friday, August 8, 2008

RENAP Update...

Okay - my caseworker came into my office today and said, "I have some news. I don't know if you will be happy or more p***ed off." I said, "Well, give it to me - any news is better than no news." He proceeded to tell me that Eddy's birth certificate has been registered with RENAP and he is officially an Underwood! "YAY!" I say, "Does this mean we can add him onto our insurance policy?" My caseworker smiles and says "BUT" and then I think - Oh, yeah, he did say I might get upset with this news. I brace myself for the worst and he states that they have it but they won't print it until it has been registered for 10 days - WHAT????

I read another person's blog who is in the same spot we are in. She likened the situation to the Seinfeld episode with the Soup Nazi. Each day, our attorney goes into RENAP to ask for the birth certificate. They go in and the Nazi says, "RENAP say no Birth Certificate for You TODAY". The same blog gave me hope because her attorney, like ours, continues to go every day to ask for it. Finally, her attorney went in today and they said, "RENAP say you can have birth certificate today!" She assumes her attorney did everything just right today - she had the right clothes, a good smell, the right facial expression and they finally allowed her to have the soup!

Once we finally receive the Birth Certificate we hope to travel in 3 to 4 weeks - with that said, I have placed a voting poll on this blog. You can help me determine when you think Mr. Edison may come home - your guess is as good as ours. I hope to write another letter to Edison this weekend, so be sure to check back. Otherwise, I probably will not add anything new until I hear that someone has his long-awaited birth certificate in their hands!

Until next time...

1 comment:

sierrasmom said...

I guess this is good news, and I thought China was hard to figure out!!! You know there was a time that you thought we would get Sierra first but I think you're going to win. As it should be, you have been waiting much longer. Congratulations on passing this next step!!!

We've been waiting how long ? ? ?

From the day we filled out our application for adoption (9/11/2007) to the day we picked up Edison's visa to come to the United States (9/11/2008) took exactly one year! Of my three pregnancies - this paper pregnancy was the longest and most stressful. Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

I want to call my mom, but I don't know the country code - HELP!!

Will he wink?????

WE ARE OUT OF PGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, we are thrilled to announce that our file is out of PGN. We now await Edison's new birth certificate with our names listed as his parents and the Final Adoption Decree. Our estimated travel date is late July!!!!!!!!! God is so good!!

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