Thursday, May 8, 2008

I've got good news and some not so good news...

I've got some good news and some not so good news... I'll give the "not so good news first".

It is true that the PGN is going to re-review all of the adoption cases currently waiting. This means our case file will be reviewed again - under watchful eyes. We knew this already, so since that was the "not so good news" I knew the "good news" had to be pretty good. We learned that the PGN has a method to their madness and this led to our good news.

We have been told that our case was sitting on the PGN Director's desk ready to be signed when he was "let go". This means our file had been reviewed by three reviewers and had been passed on to the Director for final signature without receiving a PREVIO, also known as a kickout. The cases that have already been reviewed and ready to come out of PGN will be first on the list for re-review! YEAH! We consider this not just good news, but great news! I previously asked everyone to pray that we would not be on the bottom of the stack of 2,286 dossiers. What a wonderful answer to prayer! We were not on the bottom and we were not even in the middle, were were on TOP!!! Now, granted, I have no idea how many others were ready to be signed off and passed on. Just knowing mine was one of them - is awesome news!

We have also heard "through the grapevine" that the cases of those attorney's who the PGN suspects of fraud will be looked at more closely. I am very happy to report that our attorney, Cinthya, is very reputable. She has never been in any trouble or had any problems with the PGN. I also feel confident that since we made it through the first time with no previos, we can make it through again.

One thing the PGN is going to do to make sure all of the cases are legitimate is to personally interview each birth mother. They want to make absolutely sure that the birth mother gave the child up by her own free will and was not paid anything to place the baby for adoption. Edison's Guatemama has already been contacted and has her interview with the PGN next Thursday. While I do not anticipate anything going wrong, I would again like to ask for your prayers.

While Eddy's mom will never be able to forget him, I know she is probably ready to get this process behind her and move forward with her life. This should have been after she gave her DNA. Now, once again, she is reminded of the painful decision she made and has to complete another interview. After a 9 month pregnancy and now his first birthday having passed, this has gone on too long for everyone!

Dear PGN - I know you are making needed changes in the adoption process; however, please remember that there are 2,286 families who are waiting. We are each longing to hold our Guatemalan children. These children have mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who are waiting to welcome them into our country, our states, our communities, our homes and especially, our hearts. We will forever be greatful to the country of Guatemala for allowing their children to become ours - cherished members of our families!

A Waiting Family
Anywhere, USA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Dana, that is great news. It's going to be soon. It would be cool if we both were travling at the same time. You guys are in our prayers. Lets bring our babies home soon...

Kristie O.

We've been waiting how long ? ? ?

From the day we filled out our application for adoption (9/11/2007) to the day we picked up Edison's visa to come to the United States (9/11/2008) took exactly one year! Of my three pregnancies - this paper pregnancy was the longest and most stressful. Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

I want to call my mom, but I don't know the country code - HELP!!

Will he wink?????

WE ARE OUT OF PGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, we are thrilled to announce that our file is out of PGN. We now await Edison's new birth certificate with our names listed as his parents and the Final Adoption Decree. Our estimated travel date is late July!!!!!!!!! God is so good!!

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