Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Interview is Tomorrow!!!!

I received word that our file is moving! Edison's birthmom, Jemmy, has an interview with PGN tomorrow morning at 11:00 (Guatemala time). At this point we do not know how quickly our file will come out of PGN after she is interviewed, but we hope our attorney can tell us something after the interview.

For all my prayer warriors, please pray for Jemmy and the PGN employees. I know this has got to be like a nightmare for Jemmy. Making the decision to place Edison for adoption, having to come in and give a DNA sample and have her photo taken with him was enough. I am sure she anticpated being able to move forward with her life at that point. Now she has been contacted for another interview, this time by government officials. I pray that the interviewers will be nice to her during the interview and that they will not make her feel guilty for the choice she made. I also pray that they will take into consideration that not all adoption attorneys in Guatemala work unethically or illegally and that those attorneys with those cases of waiting parents and waiting children will quickly move through this process.

Edison, tomorrow is a big day! I hate it that your birthmom is having to go through this. Making the choice to allow you to be adopted internationally was a selfless thing for her to do - especially for our family, who is so excited to make you a little Underwood. Hopefully, with tomorrow's interview, things will move quickly and we will soon get the call that "The Underwood's are out of PGN!"

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We've been waiting how long ? ? ?

From the day we filled out our application for adoption (9/11/2007) to the day we picked up Edison's visa to come to the United States (9/11/2008) took exactly one year! Of my three pregnancies - this paper pregnancy was the longest and most stressful. Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

I want to call my mom, but I don't know the country code - HELP!!

Will he wink?????

WE ARE OUT OF PGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, we are thrilled to announce that our file is out of PGN. We now await Edison's new birth certificate with our names listed as his parents and the Final Adoption Decree. Our estimated travel date is late July!!!!!!!!! God is so good!!

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