Friday, April 4, 2008

We're going to miss his 1st ...

I received in the mail yesterday, a brochure from Toys R Us, telling me it was time to begin planning my child's 1st birthday party. I read the brochure and wondered what we would have chosen as his theme had he been with us to celebrate this big event -- and that made me sad.

I have missed so many things in his little life - his first smile, his first giggle, his first tooth, his first haircut ... I could go on. And then I thought about his Guatemama who has missed all those firsts as well. Of course that led me to think about his foster mom who was there for all his firsts and who will be sad to miss his future. Why do I do this to myself ? ? ? ?

Okay - so back to the 1st birthday party. Do you know how excited I am to have a child who can celebrate his birthday in the Spring? This is a big deal in our family, especially considering that Emily celebrates her birthday in October, Paul in November, Kensley and I in December. Crazy! I'm looking forward to buying outdoor toys and spring clothes for his birthday.

As for the theme - would we have chosen Diego? Farm animals? Horses? Dinosaurs? What would his favorite thing had been had he been here with us? I don't know. What I do know is that his 2nd birthday is going to be a BIG event because that will be his 1st birthday with his forever family!!

I haven't brought this up to Paul because I'm waiting for the right time. I want to buy Edison a doll for his 1st birthday. I can't decide whether to send it to him or take it with us when we go get him. It is the cutest little doll. It is an anatomically correct hispanic boy soft bodied doll and it is adorable! I think Paul will be okay with it. I hope Paul will be okay with it! The other big thing we want to buy Edison for his birthday to have when he gets home is a new swing set.

The swing set we currently have was bought for Emily's 1st birthday. She is now 14 years old! It is a Little Tykes with a playhouse and it's still in pretty good shape, however the roof is gone and the slide and swings have faded and I would just like to have something new for him. He doesn't need a bouncy seat, an infant seat, bottles, pacifiers, bed accessories (I could go on and on naming things you buy for infants) so this is just one thing I would like to do for him. Since Kensley was the recipient of many hand-me-downs, including the swing set, she is helping me choose the one we want to buy.

I'm going to go to bed and dream about Edison. Last night I dreamed that he kept saying "besito" which is "kiss" in Spanish. Until next time...

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We've been waiting how long ? ? ?

From the day we filled out our application for adoption (9/11/2007) to the day we picked up Edison's visa to come to the United States (9/11/2008) took exactly one year! Of my three pregnancies - this paper pregnancy was the longest and most stressful. Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

I want to call my mom, but I don't know the country code - HELP!!

Will he wink?????

WE ARE OUT OF PGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, we are thrilled to announce that our file is out of PGN. We now await Edison's new birth certificate with our names listed as his parents and the Final Adoption Decree. Our estimated travel date is late July!!!!!!!!! God is so good!!

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