Monday, April 7, 2008


Sports Paige is the black and white horse. She is a Kentucky Mountain Spotted Saddle Horse. Other breeds would call her a black and white "paint". Not the Kentuckians - we call 'em "spotted".
Beach Boy is the miniature horse in the background. He is 8.5 hands tall and has a slight weight problem. He's a very personable little horse. Don't call him a pony --- he's not tall enough to be a pony --- but we don't let him know this, it would hurt his feelings. He thinks he is the boss and that all the mares want to be his.

To the right, you will meet the newest members of our herd. These beautiful buckskin mares are Sorpresso's Mia and Tulya. Both are Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horses. Tulya is Mia's baby and they have never been separated! That is going to change pretty soon. We are going to move Tulya to a different barn with other horses and teach her some ground manners. She is going to be a great ride; however, right now, she is young and very spoiled and has more power than she realizes. Mia is a lot of fun to ride and she is very smooth.

To the left is the gal who started it all. As-U-May, also known as "Asia" was given to our daughter as a gift from a family friend. Asia is a Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse. She has the best temperament and is spoiled rotten!

1 comment:

scantlins said...

I love your blog. You are a great writer. I am praying that your paperwork will not be sent back. God bless.
Sara Scantlin

We've been waiting how long ? ? ?

From the day we filled out our application for adoption (9/11/2007) to the day we picked up Edison's visa to come to the United States (9/11/2008) took exactly one year! Of my three pregnancies - this paper pregnancy was the longest and most stressful. Lilypie Waiting to adopt Ticker

I want to call my mom, but I don't know the country code - HELP!!

Will he wink?????

WE ARE OUT OF PGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days, we are thrilled to announce that our file is out of PGN. We now await Edison's new birth certificate with our names listed as his parents and the Final Adoption Decree. Our estimated travel date is late July!!!!!!!!! God is so good!!

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